mychalsimonzmusic Blog
Just another weblog

Live Shows

Does anyone know the best way to get more live gigs with your own band (not as a cover band).  I’m in the process of putting together a new band on my label but I want to find ways of getting them booked.

The smooth jazz genre’ seems to be slightly different in that the audience is looking forward to grooving and relaxing for the most part.  Some time ago,   I was at Spagatini’s restaurant in seal beach and had a great time listening to the four piece band there.After hearing them and how great the acoustics were in the small room.

I knew it was one of the places I wanted to come and perform once the band really got tight.  I still have a few more addtions to the band that need to be added but when that time comes its really gonna be nice.

That’s when I want you guys to come out and enjoy some good music and some good food.

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